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Steven Acupuncture & Wellness Identity

The design of the logo is to convey the mission and belief of the client, which is to provide quality and affordable health care for those who need it.

The visual image used is a bottle gourd. In ancient china, doctors used to hang bottle gourd at the door of their clinic to commemorate a popular Chinese legend*The expression still survives today as a proverb: Xuan Hu Ji Shi, meaning “practicing medicine (hanging a bottle guard) in order to heal all the people. The other element is the water, which represents the abundant love and caring, which will wash away the pain and suffering of the patient. The growing plant represents vitality and life. 

*Hanging Bottle gourd. A popular Chinese legend says that during the time of the great plagues, in the city of Henan, an old man appeared, selling medicines on the street. Although he was not much to look at, people seemed to trust him, and each time they approach him to buy medicine he would reach inside a bottle gourd, find a small medicine bolus, and ask them to dissolve it in water and drink. One by one, all of the people who sought his assistance were cured completely. At the end of the day, the people left the market. After everyone was gone, a person called Fei Zhang Fang saw the old man entering the bottle gourd. Realizing that this was not an easy feat, the next day he brought some meat prepared in win and approach the old man., asking him to teach him this skill. The old man agreed, and he took him along inside the bottle gourd. Fei Zhang Fang followed the old person, learning the Tao, for ten days. After that, he returned to the outside world. Arriving back home, his family was amazed to see him alive, because he has been missing for not ten days, but ten years. Since then, with the skills he acquired, Master Fei was able to cure all illness, even if the patient was on the brink of death. To commemorate this legend, all ancient doctors used to hang a bottle guard at the door of their clinic, to show that they have also entered the gate of medicine (and Tao) and can perform similar healing miracles. The expression still survives today as a proverb: Xuan Hu Ji Shi, meaning “practicing medicine (hanging a bottle guard) in order to heal all the people.

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